The Expert Finder

The interactive map shows recommended physicians for RLS treatment, sleep labs, and RLS support groups collected from all EARLS member countries.

This is how it works
The search function allows you to enter your region, and the map shows the hits in the nearby area. Doctors, sleep labs and self-help groups appear in different icons and colours.

Click on the loupe (Icon) and write your location in the search field. Enlarge or reduce the image with the plus and minus signs. If you click one hit, the contact window opens and you will find the contact details.

You are affected yourself and would like to recommend a doctor or a sleep laboratory? We are happy to receive your recommendations!
You are already part of the Expert Finder and wish to update your data or no longer be on the interactive map? Write to us at

By experts we mean people who are professionally involved in the treatment of RLS. They are nominated by patients or the professionals themselves.
This is a free service for both patients and professionals. The map is updated on a regular basis.